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Maintaining good health for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Maintaining good health for Pelvic Organ Prolapse


Ayurvedic treatment follows eight methods to cure different diseases. They are: Nadi (pulse), Mootra (urine), Mala (stool), Jihva (tongue), Shabda (speech).

Medicine Works

The Herbal medicine for Rectal Prolapse treatment Produces natural adhesions between the mucosal and muscular layers of the Rectum. This property of Medicine binds and reduces and normalizes the dilated and elongated Rectal wall and tissues and in turn helps lessen the congestion of rectal mass which will be later noticed by the patient post consuming the medicine for one month.

Prolapsed Rectum

The term prolapsed rectum was discovered as early as 1500 BC. The disease appears when a mucosal or full-thickness layer of rectal tissue comes out of the anal orifice.

About Us

Our Polyherbal formula for Prolapsed Rectum is Researched and Developed from a traditional formula of Ayurvedic Sciences. The treatment is Time Tested, Targeted and Result Oriented to provide you best cure for your condition.

Daya Ayush Therapy Centre provides an oral dosage form of Herbal Medicine and we can help you with procidentia treatment without surgery. Our Centre prepare the polyherbal formula well adorned with principles of Ayurveda described in Ancient Ayurvedic literatures. Ingredients used for preparing this polyherbal formula are grown organically in the wide-stretched land of the Himalayas.

Our Benefits

We adopt purely Ayurvedic procedures to prepare herbal medicine as Shodhan and Bhavana for removal of impurities and toxins to improve the potency of herbal medicine.

Doctor Concerned

Institutionally Qualified in Ayurvedic System of medicine from Premier Ayurvedic institute with experienced and Specialization in treating Ano-Rectal and Pelvic Organ Prolapse problems.

New Approach

Medicinal repair of Pelvic Organ Prolapse which is always considered a Surgical problem. Our protruding rectum Medicinal approach is quite safe and answer to Surgical procedures.

Health Monitoring

Centre is dedicated for patients and make sure to provide right procidentia ayurveda treatment. Every problem of our patients is assessed before initiation of the treatment. Centre remains in touch with every patient and tries to satisfy every question and problems up to the curing of his problem.

Ayurvedic & Herbal Treatment for Prolapse Rectum

Situated at the foothills of Himalaya, our center is sited in the pristine milieu of Herbertpur which comes under the district Dehradun, Uttarakhand (A Herbal State). We are renowned for providing the miraculous rectal prolapse treatment by herbal medicine which strictly abides by the defined Ayurvedic principles.

Rectal Prolapse is a disease in which rectum comes out during defecation partially or entirely. At times, it goes back automatically and many a times, the patient has to get a treatment done manually. A patient goes through different stages during Prolapse of Rectum, during the early stages the patient can reduce his prolapsed rectum only by lessening his Intra- Abdominal pressure in a manner that aids sucking in of the Prolapsed Rectum. Initially the patient learns to replace the Prolapsed mass (Tissue) by the use of lubricant and digital pressure (A method of digital replacement). Patient feels discomfort during Prolapse. The discomfort increases with increasing difficulty in the reduction of the Prolapsed Rectum. With the further passage of time patient feels slow and steadily escalation in difficulty in reduction of his Prolapse .The Prolapse occurs not only in stool but also in other occasions such as standing for long, lifting, playing, coughing and stooping. In the latter condition the Prolapsed tissue increases in size and becomes bulky and bulging. At this stage Prolapsed Rectum remains outside and replacement of it is very difficult. This disease can occur in males, females, and children.

Our prolapse rectum treatment by herbal medicine works on the comprehensive principle of Ayurveda without any side effects. The herbal medicines that we prescribe has the property of GRAHI (a term used in Ayurveda which means retaining the organ at its own place providing strength to aid functioning of muscles & Ligaments of Rectum) and herbs also control SAMAN and APAN VAYU, the forces that control digestion and the act of defecation (Stretching & Contraction).

Our Specialty - Rectal Prolapse Treatment by Ayurvedic Medicine

1. Centre provides prolapse rectum treatment without surgery, para surgical or related procedure (local application or insertion of any medicine through anal route). All that is required on the patient’s part is taking the medicine orally.

2.  Rectal prolapse treatment by herbal medicines is quite safe and free from any side effects. Ayurvedic Medicine is prepared by rare herbs grown in the Himalaya and are described in the ancient Ayurvedic literatures for prolapse rectum treatment.

3.  Herbs which are present in this Poly Herbal Formula are grown organically in Himalayan Region.

4.  The Preparation of herbal Medicine is done in our Centre under the strict guidance of Ayurvedic Doctor and on the Principle of Ayurveda.

5.  We have treated so many patients successfully nationally and internationally and without any side effects.

6.  We are successfully treating prolapse treatment disease from more than 35 Years.

7.  Our Herbal treatment for prolapse rectum controls the problem of Incontinence and regulates the bowel movement in a normal manner.

8. The Patients who experience bleeding during Prolapsed Rectum or any Discharge (Watery and Mucous) also get benefitted by our Treatment.

9. The Patients who feel pain during Prolapsed of Rectum also get cured during our course of rectal prolapse treatment by Ayurvedic medicines.

The Overview

Rectal prolapse is an ailment in which the rectum loses its standard attachments inside the body, letting it to bulge out via the anus, turning it inside out. While this might be uncomfortable, it rarely leads to any severe medical issue. However, it can be fairly uncomfortable and often has a substantial negative impact on patients’ quality of life. Overall, Ayurvedic prolapse rectal treatment affects comparatively few people (2.5 cases/100,000 people). This illness affects mostly adults, and females over 50 years of age are six times as likely as males to develop rectal prolapse. Maximum females with rectal prolapse are in their 60’s, while the few males who develop prolapse are much younger, be around 40 years of age or less. In these younger patients, there is greater rate of autism, developmental deferment and psychiatric complications demanding multiple medicines.


Rectal prolapse treatment by Ayurvedic medicines tends to present steadily. At the start, the prolapse comes down with a bowel movement and then returns to its standard position. Patients might later describe a mass or “something tumbling out” that they might have to slide back in following a bowel movement. Until the prolapsed rectum goes back in, patients might feel discomfort in sitting with an unpleasant feeling. Rectal prolapse might be tangled with substantial hemorrhoid disease and can even be perplexing for the doctors to evaluate and treat the problem. While a spontaneous prolapse is evident, it can be baffling as to whether a patient has significant hemorrhoids or rectal prolapse. To validate a rectal prolapse, the patient might be asked to strain while squatting, or on a toilet or commode. While this might be slightly uneasy for patients, it is imperative and essential to make a precise diagnosis, as the treatments of hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse are quite different.

All Symptoms of Rectal Prolapse to Know

1. Painful defecation, initially
2. Burning sensation, initially
3. Backache
4. Protrusion of rectum repeating
5. Mucous discharge including blood discharge with visible protruded tissue

How To Reduce Rectal Prolapse Easily?

1.  A person should avoid constant straining during defecation and if you have constipation, consult with the right doctor to get medical advice.

2. You need to hurry for the treatment for Constipation or diarrhoea. If it becomes habitual, a chance between 30-35% in which a person can go towards prolapse of the rectum.

3. After surgeries, it is necessary to take enough caution so as to pass the bowel regularly.


Treatment we Offer: Why do We Vouch for it?

Ayurvedic Methodology: The prolapse rectum treatment by herbal medicines that we offer is based on the Ayurvedic methodology. Our safe and effective Ayurvedic prolapse rectum treatment is a fail-safe way to assuage the symptoms of this disease.

Rectal Prolapse Treatment by Herbal Medicine: We offer Herbal medicine made from various effective herbal ingredients which are all tested for safety and fit to use and can provide positive results in the least of time. Our herbal prolapse rectum treatments will ease your symptoms without any side-effects.

Non Surgical Treatment of Prolapse Rectum: As we all know how much risky it is to go under the knife, we offer non-surgical prolapse rectum treatment that is free of all the side-effects and complications of surgical treatment options.

The three different medical conditions that are all enveloped under one umbrella are all different conditions that are well catered by our specialized medical treatment. The herbal prolapse rectal treatment that we offer at our center is prepared with an amalgamation of various herbs that are grown in our own fields. We don’t have any other branches.

Patient Stories


My age is 66 Years and I was suffreing from prolapse rectum which is a very awkward situation because during defecation all the rectal mass comes out and after defecation I do it manually to get it back in the normal position. After getting non surgical herbal treatment from Daya Ayush Therapy Centre now I am fully cured and there is no any prolapse of rectal mass The treatment was totally Ayurvedic which is free from any side effect I was suffering from this disease from last 30 years but now I m fully cured Interesting part of this treatment is that it is without any surgical process and no need of any bed rest.


Myself age 58 I had prolapse rectum on coughing and after long standing in kitchen and I was facing very embarrassing situation perhaps it was due to weakness of supporting muscles of rectum and I was adviced for ring or surgery for it then some one told me about Daya Ayush Therapy Centre which offered me ayurvedic treatment for this disease and now I am fully cured after taking the treatment.

Antoinette Wilson

Living in the USA I searched for a treatment to cure this condition that was diagnosed by a Colonoscopy. I was told by my USA Dr nothing by would cure this condition. Thank God ( I did pray) I found Daya Ayush Therapy Center and provided them with my Colonoscopy results and Dr notes. They let me know my condition would be 100% cured. I was not sure this was true but what did I have to lose as prolapse is a horrible condition. I started working with them for about 4 months, the treatment was easy, as well as great communication, even being in the USA. I completed treatment about 4 years ago. Last week I had a Colonoscopy and was told there was no evidence of Prolapse. I am forever grateful and feel so thankful to Daya Ayush Centre. Thank you again!

Disclaimer : Results of medicine may vary due to hereditary or genetically factors.

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Our Services

We offer  Medicinal repair (Herbal)of Prolapse rectum ,Rectocele , Cystocele and Pelvic Organ prolapse.

Prolapse Rectum



Pelvic Organ Prolapse


No, our centre provides the best and safe herbal treatment for your condition. Herbs are lab tested for Heavy Metals, Pesticides and Microbial Contaminations. Medicine has no any side effects even in long use.

First patient has to fill patient information form (given in our website ) and share prolapsed picture during defecation  for proper diagnosis and  Herbal Medicine preparation . Treatment is customised.

After  Order confirmation it will take 3 to 4 days in Herbal medicine preparation . We can courier our herbal medicine  nationally and internationally.

Visit our contact us page where you can see our contact details. You can call us or send us an email for further details.

Yes, You can take appointment for telephonically discussion with Doctor. Our team will guide you regarding consultation fees and procedure for taking appointment.

You may contact us to know more. We will provide required details on phone.

Duration of the course is 3 to 4 months and the patient will feel positive changes in this disease after consuming it for the 1st month medicine. Our medicine are always prepared fresh batch for consumption, hence it is provided on monthly basis.

No, We do not have any other Centre or any branch in any part of country except Daya Ayush Therapy Centre located in Herbertpur (Dehradun, Uttarakhand).

Different parts of  plants such as roots, leaves, fruits, bark, or seeds are used for the treatment of different diseases. Since early centuries, lot of plant-derivative medicines have been used on the basis of their toxicology, microscopic structure, chemical compositions, healing values, etc. Our specialty is providing treatment of rectal prolapse without surgery by herbal medicine formula orally. The Centre provides unique rectal prolapse treatment without surgery that works on the Principle of Ayurveda without any side effects.

Medicine has the property of GRAHI (a term of Ayurveda which means to retain the organ at its own place giving strength to support muscles & Ligaments of Rectum) & controlling SAMAN & APAN VAYU, the forces control digestion & act of defecation (Stretching & Contraction). Herbal Treatment is customised . We are providing medicinal repair of the Supportive Tissues.

Yes , We provide Customized Non Surgical Treatment of Rectal Prolapsed. You can take treatment at your home .After proper diagnosis through filled patient information form (Given in our website), Old medical reports and prolapsed picture during defecation we can send medicine through courier(Domestic and International both ) . We always remain in touch during treatment

Rectal prolapse is a disease which can occur due to slips out of rectum through Anus. An individual will face many issues such as constipation, faecal incontinence, and rectal ulceration etc. There are several treatment options for this disease. Our centre provides the best non-surgical treatment of rectal prolapse which can be done with the help of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of Medicine.

In this treatment our Speciality is to provide Polyherbal formula to our Patients accordingly. They have to take it orally. These herbal medicines have the power to strengthen and to tone up the Pelvic Floor Muscles and Ligaments and thus help to retain the organ (Rectum) on its own Anatomical position in natural way.

Of course, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to cure Prolapse Rectum. Ayurveda describes several plants which have their special and natural affinity to a particular organ. We use such herbs which have affect on Pelvic region and their organs( Rectum, Uterus and Bladder).So in our Poly Herbal Formula we include  such Herbs and their properties of GRAHI  and controlling SAMAN and APAN vayu help to cure the problem of  Prolapse Rectum completely.  Patients can experience remarkable results after taking Ayurveda as their treatment option. This method has no side effects. That’s why it is best option because there will be no need of any Surgical interventions.

We treat national and international patients with our Ayurvedic treatment.

PolyHerbal Formula containing:

  1. Tamarix Gallica
  2. Oxalis Corniculata
  3. Quercus Infectoria


These are main ingredients but so many other Herbs are also used in formula for purification, detoxification and potency enhancer also (Bio- Enhancer)

The formula is processed traditionally according to ancient Ayurvedic procedures by Brick-and-Mortar type.

This medicine is targeted medicine only for Pelvic Region .No any side effects.

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General Queries by Rectum Prolapsed Patients ​

I Have prolapse rectum I want medicine . iam suffering from 5 years . Every time I feel bulge protruding out during defecation

I need help with Rectocele and Cystocele.I am in US . How can I get treatment with out coming at your place

Having complete Rectum prolapsed from child hood . Now I am 22 years of age . Constipation and mucous discharge problem also . All medical reports available with me . How can i get your treatment?

Hi , I am 39 years old male suffering with Dyssynergic defecation , constipation and Rectorectal intussusception. I want to cure this Problem by your herbal treatment , please guide me.

am 75 years old suffering from rectum prolapsed since 15 years . Facing constipation also Please book my appointment or guide me online

This is James from UK, I’m suffering rectum prolapse in longtime, I’m not interested for any surgery treatment,so I just need help from you, do you have any options to send me medicine by post or any other sources,please let me know that,it will be great help for me, advance thanks and best regards

My wife age 88 is suffering from rectum prolapsed

I’m enquiring about starting treatment for rectal prolapse

Hello, I found your website online

Aged 75 years , my mother Under went Mesh Rectopexy

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