Medicine Works
There are Ayurvedic Medicines for Prolapse rectum, in case one does not want to undergo surgery for this life-threatening condition :-
1. The herbal medicine works on the principle of Ancient Ayurveda.
2. It is a tested herbal medicine for Rectal Prolapse. (Procidentia).
3. It is Researched & Developed after Clinical Trials of 35 Years.
4. The herbal medicine for Rectal Prolapse produces natural adhesions between the mucosal and muscular layers of the Rectum .This property of Medicine binds and reduces and normalize the dilated and elongated Rectal wall and tissues and in turn helps lessen the congestion of rectal mass which will be later noticed by the patient post consuming the medicine for one month.
5. Ayurvedic Medicine works to strengthen the support system of Rectum which becomes stretched , is elongated & hence loses its elasticity & fail to draw it again .The herbal medicine for Prolapse Rectum consists of the following ingredients GRAHI (Ayurvedic Terminology) in nature which means to replace the displaced organ.
6. Herbal Medicine works to pacify the SAMAN VAYU & APAN VAYU, , these are AYURVEDIC TERM for forces, which control the digestion and defecation process in the body (Stretching and Constriction of Anal Sphincter Muscles). These disturbed forces are capable of dislodging the organ from its position. As per the Modern view is concerned it is obstructive lesions of genitor urinary tract such as Phimosis, Stricture, Prostatic Hypertrophy, Vesicalcalculi and increased intra abdominal pressure such as straining heavy work ,habitual constipation .These reasons also disturbed the forces which are capable of retaining the organ on its own place ,this modern view seems to be supporting the ancient Ayurvedic theory of SAMAN & APAN VAYU .
This wonder Ayurvedic medicine needs to be consumed only one dose per day orally in empty stomach in the morning hours. This in fact makes it a special ayurvedic medicine, since you do not have to take it in frequent intervals all day, like other ayurvedic medicines.
Looking for an alternate to surgery for Prolapse Rectum? Trust our ayurvedic medicine, made from natural ingredients and high success rate.
FAQ Medicine Works
Ans: Yes, Rectal Prolapse can be cured with Herbal medicine .There are some Herbs as described in Ayurveda for the Pelvic Organ Prolapsed .The Medicine works on the principle of Ayurveda.For more details about how medicine works you can visit our ‘Medicine works page’
Ans: Though Ayurveda works slowly but it cures permanently within 3 to 4 months treatment without causing any harm to any system of the body .
Ans: Yes Ayurveda can cure Prolapsed Rectum without any intervention of Surgery .In Ayurveda some Herbs are used to strengthen the Pelvic floor Muscles and Ligaments and thus helps to retain the organ on its own Anatomical position .
Ans: The Diagnosis is very simple. One can feel a big mass in round or Elongated shape coming out through Anus during defecation.
Ans: There are two options Medicinal or Surgical .Though Mordern Science believe that it’s always a surgical problem but we treat it Medicinally through Ayurveda and give Permanent cure without any surgical procedures.
Ans: Rectal prolapse happens when the rectum which is the last part of the large intestine, slips out of the anus. Complications can include:
- Infection: The exposed tissue can get infected.
- Bleeding: The area may bleed or have discomfort.
- Constipation: Prolapse can make bowel movements harder.
- Strangulation: The prolapsed tissue may lose blood supply and become damaged, which is a serious condition.
- Urinary Symptoms : One can feel some Urinary Symptoms also .
If someone has rectal prolapse, they should see a doctor for treatment to prevent these problems.