Procidentia is a condition in which the rectum escapes from its normal position to enter the anal canal. This may limit physical activities. Lots of women, especially those who have delivered lots of times or are at the postmenopausal stage,
Non Surgical Treatment of Prolapse Rectum
Prolapse rectum is a condition when the rectum slips out of its natural position. It often happens due to weakened muscles and long-term strain. This is a condition that has been known for centuries, but treatments have evolved over time.
What Should You Eat Or Not During Rectal Prolapse?
Are you suffering from rectal prolapse? Confused about what to eat or not? Let’s make things easy for you. People often think about what they should eat or what they should avoid because it is necessary to add healthy things
How to Prevent a Rectal Prolapse?
Many people globally are suffering from rectal prolapse which makes their life uncomfortable. If we look into our books, then we find that rectal prolapse happens when a part of our rectum comes out from the anus. It can happen
How Can I Reverse Rectal Prolapse Naturally?
Rectal prolapse is a situation where part of the rectum, which is the final portion of your large intestine, protrudes out from the body. This results in discomfort, pain, and embarrassment. It should be treated as early as possible to
Management of Rectal Prolapse
Rectum prolapse is that condition in which rectum falls away from the normal condition and protrudes outside the anus. Such a condition can be treated with relatively simple measures so that one can minimize discomfort and not let it get
Can Medication Help With Prolapse Rectum?
Prolaps of the rectum happen when the rectum slips out from its usual position, bringing discomfort and other concerning symptoms. Most people have different experiences and thus one of the many important questions is “Can medicine treat prolapse rectum?” Yes,
What Are the Alternatives to Rectal Prolapse Surgery?
Treatment of rectal prolapse surgery is important, and the primary goal of this treatment is improvement in quality of life. Alternative treatments include pelvic floor exercises with strengthening of the muscles, dietary maneuvers to prevent constipation, and stool softeners found
How to Fix a Rectocele Without Surgery?
Imagine you have this nagging feeling in your lower abdomen, so it hurts and is uncomfortable while performing simple day-to-day activities. Sometimes, a bulge in the rectum causes that feeling; one can then consider these non-invasive methods of dealing with
Rectal Prolapse Treatment Without Surgery in Adults
Dealing with rectal prolapse is uncomfortable and worrying, but the good news is that surgery isn’t always the only option. Adults can use many non-surgical treatments for managing this condition. One of the best options is taking ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic