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Can Rectal Prolapse Be Treated Without Surgery

Causes Of Rectal Prolapse And How Can It Be Treated Without Surgery

Rectal prolapse befalls when part or the whole wall of the rectum glides out of place, at times spiking out of the anus. Rectal prolapse is most common in kids and older adults, particularly females.


There are three forms of rectal prolapse. The type is recognized by the movement of the rectum:

  • Internal prolapse: The rectum begins to drop, but hasn’t yet strapped via the anus.
  • Partial prolapse: Only portion of the rectum has moved out of the anus.
  • Complete prolapse: The whole rectum outspreads out via the anus.


Rectal prolapse can be triggered by numerous medical conditions. They consist of:

Nerve damage

If nerves that control the rectal and anal muscles are impaired, rectal prolapse can develop. These nerves can at times be impaired from:

  • pregnancy or during a problematic vaginal birth
  • a spinal injury
  • surgery in the pelvic region

Weakened anal sphincter

This is the muscle that permits stool to pass from your rectum. Common causes for this muscle to deteriorate are pregnancy and childbirth or increased age.

Chronic constipation

The straining of chronic bowel movement problems can make your rectum more likely to go down from its location. Strain while having bowel movements, if done often over a period of years, can also lead to rectal prolapse.

If you wonder that can rectal prolapse be treated without surgery, rectal prolapse can range from mild to severe. Mild cases can often be treated without surgery via herbal medicines.

Can Rectal Prolapse Be Treated Without Surgery?

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