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Difference between Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse

Hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse are anorectal disorders that can make your life challenging. Hemorrhoids can occur near the opening of the anal, on the other side rectal prolapse is when rectum falls down outside the anus.

Both diseases include bleeding from the rectum, tissue protruding from the anus, constipation, and many more. Knowing their differences is essential for better treatment. That’s why, for your ease, we differentiated hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse in different segments below.

Hemorrhoids vs. Rectal Prolapse: What’s the Difference?

Hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse both conditions can affect your rectal area but they can be differentiated according the aspects below:

Aspects Hemorrhoids Rectal Prolapse
Definition Swollen blood vessels in the rectum or anus. Protrusion of the rectal wall through the anus.
Cause Caused by straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation, or pregnancy. Often linked to weak pelvic muscles or chronic straining.
Appearance Small, swollen lumps near the anus, may be internal or external. A red, tube-like structure visibly extending from the anus.
Symptoms Pain, itching, bleeding during bowel movements. Sensation of fullness, visible tissue protrusion, potential bowel control issues.
Age Group Common in middle-aged adults and pregnant women. Common in elderly individuals or those with long-term constipation.
Severity Usually mild but can become painful if thrombosed. Can progress to complete rectal prolapse if untreated.

Proper understanding of these conditions will ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Medical advice should be sought in a timely manner to effectively manage symptoms and prevent complications. A healthy lifestyle, diet, and hygiene also support rectal health in general.

Putting It All Together

Hemorrhoid and rectal prolapse, these two anorectal disorders need appropriate attention so that it can’t cause any discomfort. Taking the right treatment is important if you want better results and relief. Also, early intervention can help manage symptoms effectively and improve quality of life.

Difference between Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse

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