Rectal Prolapse ensues when part or the entire rectum slides out of place. You may sense like you are “sitting on a ball”. When you “decrease” prolapse, you are pushing your rectum back, privileging your body.
Rectal Prolapse can occur for many dissimilar reasons:
- Deteriorated muscles
- Weakened ligaments
- Neurological difficulties
- Chronic constipation
Surgery is not always essential. The ensuing can help preserve keep your prolapse reduced:
- Avoid constipation and damage to have a bowel crusade.
- Possess your bowel activities soft.
- Pelvic Floor Physical Treatment to reinforce the muscles.
To Decrease your Prolapse:
- Wash your hands (before and after).
- Use a gloved hand (optional).
- Apply calm but steady heaviness on the prolapsed rectum.
- Push ascendent until it is the backbone of your body.
Treatment Of Complete Prolapse
- Thiersch Procedure
This is a humble process in which a prosthetic device is used that tightens the anus. Though primarily a silver wire was used, currently, sutures and nylon, dacron, silastic, Teflon, and silicon rubber supplies are used. Though this process modifies the prolapse, it has no consequence on the related impairment if present. This constipation is accomplished with nutritional and lifestyle alterations.
- Rectopexy (Abdominal/ Laparoscopic)
In this process, the slack rectal attachments are separated from the pelvic walls all the method to the floor of the pelvis. A rectopexy is then accomplished, whereby the rectum is dragged upwards and protected to the sacrum (back wall of the pelvis) in several ways.
- Ayurvedic Treatment
Procidentia Ayurveda treatment is one of the best actions to cure prolapsed rectum efficiently.