What is rectal prolapse?
Rectal prolapse is an ailment in which the rectum loses its inner support and projects or falls out of the anus. In the initial stage, the rectal prolapse may be internal, but as the condition worsens, the rectum can be seen or felt externally too. When protruding rectum befalls, it is called a complete rectal prolapse. Feebleness of the anal sphincter muscle often is a linked problem at this phase and may bring about leakage of stool or mucus at undesirable times. The condition befalls in both sexes, but is more common in females than in males.
Why does it occur?
Rectal prolapse seems to be part of the aging procedure, due in part to wearying of supporting structures within the pelvis in addition to loss of anal sphincter muscle tone. Numerous things may add to the development of rectal prolapse. A lifetime habit of straining to have bowel movements may contribute, or it may befall as a late outcome of the pressures involved in childbirth. There may be a genetic influence in some families as well.
Is prolapsed rectum same as hemorrhoids?
No. Rectal prolapse encompasses a part of the rectum which is greater than the level of hemorrhoids. Some of the indications, however, might be similar. There may be bleeding and/or tissue which overhang from the rectum in both disorders, and neither condition normally is linked with pain.
This ailment can be treated well by visiting Daya Ayush Center for availing the most safe and side-effect-free Ayurvedic treatment.