In case of rectal prolapse, surgery is performed to restore the rectum from being outside the anus. The rectum is placed back into position after surgery.
The rectal prolapse surgery procedure may be done in a variety of ways. Your surgeon will assist you in choosing a suitable prosthesis after assessing your needs, as well as your general health.
How to prepare?
Your doctor may want you to clean with special soap to be ready for surgery for rectal prolapse.
- To assist avoid infections caused by bacteria on your skin, you will be advised to shower with antiseptic soap before your operation.
- Stop taking the medicines that are mentioned above. To be on the safe side, you should temporarily discontinue your medication if your surgery involves procedures that affect medicines.
- After having surgery to fix rectal prolapse, you will spend at least one day in the hospital. Do not forget to include any personal hygiene products such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes, or shaving equipment.
- Clothing and slippers that make you feel comfortable
- A well-rounded entertainment routine
Types of rectal prolapse surgery:
The abdomen is used to do rectal prolapse repairs. The surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen and uses it to pry the rectum back into position. Anchoring the rectum to the rear wall of the pelvis using sutures or a mesh sling (sacrum). In certain instances, for example if the patient has had problems with constipation for a long time, the surgeon removes a section of the colon.
Assisting a prolapsed rectum using a laparoscopic procedure. The other way this operation is done is by making many tiny incisions. To correct the rectal prolapse, the surgeon makes small incisions and inserts sophisticated surgical instruments and a tiny camera into the abdominal incisions. a nascent robotics strategy calls for a robot to conduct the procedure.
Prevention and repair of rectal prolapse by treating the anus’ surroundings (Perineal rectosigmoidectomy). While the technique often done (Altemeier procedure) involves pulling the rectum through the anus, removing a part of the rectum, and joining the remaining rectum to the large intestine, it is important to note that this is just one version of the operation (colon). Open and laparoscopic repair is usually only done on those who are not eligible for any of these.
More often, this technique is used for brief rectal prolapses. The muscle layer of the rectum is folded down to shorten the organ.
In certain cases, such as with pelvic organ prolapse, rectal prolapse, and certain other diseases, it may be possible to do both surgeries in one procedure.
After rectal prolapse surgery
After the quick hospitalization you’ll spend a few days in the hospital getting your digestive system back to normal. First, you’ll start drinking clear liquids, and then, over time, you’ll start introducing solids. Which treatment you’re undergoing will affect how long you stay in the hospital.
To prevent constipation and unnecessary straining, your doctor will likely suggest drinking plenty of fluids, using stool softeners, and eating a fiber-rich diet for a few weeks following surgery. In most cases, individuals may return to their regular daily activities once surgery has been completed within four to six weeks.
Relearning the function of the pelvic floor muscles may need physical therapy.